
Photo of attendees at the 3rd Annual Michigan Wild Rice Initiative MeetingThe Michigan Wild Rice Initiative (MWRI) stems from a collective understanding among State and Tribal governments that the protection and restoration of wild rice in Michigan should be elevated in importance.

The initiative brings together specialists and managers from all twelve federally-recognized tribes, multiple state departments and federal agencies, and others to share information, coordinate approaches, and elevate awareness about wild rice conservation and restoration. The initiative is composed of a Wild Rice Initiative Team (WRIT) with representatives from each of the tribes, state agencies, and other partners; and several subcommittees focused on specific topics including education and outreach, monitoring and restoration, harvest strategies, inventory of current and historical information, and current regulations and authorities.

Mission and Goals

The MWRI seeks to protect, preserve, and restore manoomin/mnomen and its culture in Michigan through collaboration, education, research, policy and stewardship, to enhance ecosystem health and benefit present and future generations.

Overarching Goals

Establish and maintain collaborative partnerships that link federal, tribal, state and local governments and organizations to elevate the recognition, protection and restoration of native wild rice throughout the state:

  • Conduct education and outreach to raise awareness
  • Develop and support appropriate harvest strategies
  • Develop best management practices for monitoring, enhancement, and restoration
  • Provide clarity on current regulations and authorities to identify gaps
  • Compile and maintain current and historical information and support appropriate sharing, and
  • Develop and maintain stewardship strategies that are consistent with the above goals.
